Sirach 11

1 The wisdom of the lowly shall lift up his head,

And make him to sit in the midst of great men.

2 Commend not a man for his beauty;

And abhor not a man for his outward appearance.

3 The bee is little among such as fly;

And her fruit is the chief of sweetmeats.

4 Glory not in the putting on of raiment,

And exalt not yourself in the day of honor;

For the works of the Lord are wonderful,

And his works are hidden among men.

5 Manykings have sat down upon the ground;

And one that was never thought of has worn a diadem.

6 Many mighty men have been greatly disgraced;

And men of renown have been delivered into other men’s hands.

7 Blame not before you have examined:

Understand first, and then rebuke.

8 Answer not before you have heard;

And interrupt not in the midst of speech.

9 Strive not in a matter that concerns you not;

And where sinners judge, sit not you with them.

10 My son, be not busy about many matters:

For if you meddle much, you shall not be unpunished;

And if you pursue, you shall not overtake;

And you shall not escape by fleeing.

11 There is one that toileth, and labores, and makes haste,

And is so much the more behind.

12 There is one that is sluggish, and has need of help,

Lacking in strength, and that abounds in poverty;

And the eyes of the Lord looked upon him for good,

And he set him up from his low estate,

13 And lifted up his head;

And many marveled at him.

14 Good things and evil, life and death,

Poverty and riches, are from the Lord.


17 The gift of the Lord remains with the godly,

And his good pleasure shall prosper for ever.

18 There is that waxes rich by his wariness and pinching,

And this is the portion of his reward:

19 When he says, I have found rest,

And now will I eat of my goods;

Yet he knows not what time shall pass,

And he shall leave them to others, and die.

20 Be stedfast in your covenant, and be conversant therein,

And wax old in your work.

21 Marvel not at the works of a sinner;

But trust the Lord, and abide in your labor:

For it is an easy thing in the sight of the Lord swiftly on the sudden to make a poor man rich.

22 The blessing of the Lord is in the reward of the godly;

And in an hour that comes swiftly he makes his blessing to flourish.

23 Say not, What use is there of me?

And what from henceforth shall my good things be?

24 Say not, I have sufficient,

And from henceforth what harm shall happen to me?

25 In the day of good things there is a forgetfulness of evil things;

And in the day of evil things a man will not remember things that are good.

26 For it is an easy thing in the sight of the Lord

To reward a man in the day of death according to his ways.

27 The affliction of an hour causes forgetfulness of delight;

And in the last end of a man is the revelation of his deeds.

28 Call no man blessed before his death;

And a man shall be known in his children.

29 Bring not every man into your house;

For many are the plots of the deceitful man.

30 Asa decoy partridge in a cage, so is the heart of a proud man;

And as one that is a spy, he looks uponyourfalling.

31 For he lies in wait to turn things that are good into evil;

And in things that are praiseworthy he will lay blame.

32 From a spark of fire a heap of many coals is kindled;

And a sinful man lies in wait for blood.

33 Take heed of an evil-doer, for he contriveth wicked things;

Lest haply he bring upon you blame for ever.

34 Receive a stranger into your house, and he will distract you with brawls,

And estrange you from your own.

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