Sirach 28

1 He that takes vengeance shall find vengeance from the Lord;

And he will surely make firm his sins.

2 Forgive your neighbor the hurt that he has doneyou;

And then your sins shall be pardoned when you pray.

3 Man cherisheth anger against man;

And does he seek healing from the Lord?

4 Upon a man like himself he has no mercy;

And does he make supplication for his own sins?

5 He being himself flesh nourishes wrath:

Who shall make atonement for his sins?

6 Remember your last end, and cease from enmity:

Remembercorruption and death, and abide in the commandments.

7 Remember the commandments, and be not angry with your neighbor;

Andrememberthe covenant of the Highest, and wink at ignorance.

8 Abstain from strife, and you shall diminish your sins:

For a passionate man will kindle strife;

9 And a man that is a sinner will trouble friends,

And will make debate among them that be at peace.

10 As is the fuel of the fire, so will it burn;

And as the stoutness of the strife is,sowill it burn:

As is the strength of the man,sowill be his wrath;

And as is his wealth,sowill he exalt his anger.

11 A contention begun in haste kindles a fire;

And a hasty fighting sheds blood.

12 If you blow a spark, it shall burn;

And if you spit upon it, it shall be quenched:

And both these shall come out of your mouth.

13 Curse the whisperer and double-tongued:

For he has destroyed many that were at peace.

14 A third person’s tongue has shaken many,

And dispersed them from nation to nation;

And it has pulled down strong cities,

And overthrown the houses of great men.

15 A third person’s tongue has cast out brave women,

And deprived them of their labors.

16 He that hearkens to it shall not find rest,

Nor shall he dwell quietly.

17 The stroke of a whip makes a mark in the flesh;

But the stroke of a tongue will break bones.

18 Many have fallen by the edge of the sword:

Yet not so many as they that have fallen because of the tongue.

19 Happy is he that is sheltered from it,

That has not passed through the wrath thereof;

That has not drawn its yoke,

And has not been bound with its bands.

20 For the yoke thereof is a yoke of iron,

And the bands thereof are bands of brass.

21 The death thereof is an evil death;

And Hades were better than it.

22 It shall not have rule over godly men;

And they shall not be burned in its flame.

23 They that forsake the Lord shall fall into it;

And it shall burn among them, and shall not be quenched:

It shall be sent forth upon them as a lion;

And as a leopard it shall destroy them.

24 Look that you hedge your possession about with thorns;

Bind up your silver and your gold;

25 And make a balance and a weight for your words;

And make a door and a bar for your mouth.

26 Take heed lest you slip therein;

Lest you fall before one that lies in wait.

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