Sirach 7

1 Do no evil, so shall no evil overtake you.

2 Depart from wrong, and it shall turn aside from you.

3 My son, sow not upon the furrows of unrighteousness,

And you shall not reap them sevenfold.

4 Seek not of the Lord preeminence,

Neither of the king the seat of honor.

5 Justify not yourself in the presence of the Lord;

And display not your wisdom before the king.

6 Seek not to be a judge,

Lest you be not able to take away iniquities;

Lest haply you fear the person of a mighty man,

And lay a stumbling block in the way of your uprightness.

7 Sin not against the multitude of the city,

And cast not yourself down in the crowd.

8 Bind not up sin twice;

For in onesinyou shall not be unpunished.

9 Say not, He will look upon the multitude of my gifts,

And when I offer to the Most High God, he will acceptit.

10 Be not faint-hearted in your prayer;

And neglect not to give alms.

11 Laugh not a man to scorn when he is in the bitterness of his soul;

For there is one who humbles and exalts.

12 Devise not a lie against your brother;

Neither do the like to a friend.

13 Love not to make any manner of lie;

For the custom thereof is not for good.

14 Prate not in the multitude of elders;

And repeat not your words in your prayer.

15 Hate not laborious work;

Neither husbandry, which the Most High hasordained.

16 Number not yourself among the multitude of sinners:

Remember that wrath will not wait.

17 Humble your soul greatly;

For the punishment of the ungodly man is fire and the worm.

18 Change not a friend for a thing indifferent;

Neither a true brother for the gold of Ophir.

19 Forgo not a wise and good wife;

For her grace is above gold.

20 Entreat not evil a servant that works truly,

Nor a hireling that givesyouhis life.

21 Let your soul love a wise servant;

Defraud him not of liberty.

22 Hast you cattle? have an eye to them;

And if they are profitable to you, let them stay by you.

23 Hast you children? correct them,

And bow down their neck from their youth.

24 Hast you daughters? give heed to their body,

And make not your face cheerful toward them.

25 Give your daughter in marriage, and you shall have accomplished a great matter:

And give her to a man of understanding.

26 Hast you a wife after your mind? cast her not out:

But trust not yourself to one that ishateful.

27 Give glory to your father with your whole heart;

And forget not the pangs of your mother.

28 Remember that of them you were born:

And what will you recompense them for the things that they have done for you?

29 Fear the Lord with all your soul;

And reverence his priests.

30 With all your strength love him that made you;

And forsake not his ministers.

31 Fear the Lord, and glorify the priest;

And give him his portion, even as it is commanded you;

The first fruits, and the trespass offering, and the gift of the shoulders,

And the sacrifice of sanctification, and the first fruits of holy things.

32 Also to the poor man stretch out your hand,

That your blessing may be perfected.

33 A gift has grace in the sight of every man living;

And for a dead man keep not back grace.

34 Be not lacking to them that weep;

And mourn with them that mourn.

35 Be not slow to visit a sick man;

For by such things you shall gain love.

36 In all yourmatters remember your last end,

And you shall never do amiss.

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