Wisdom of Solomon 15

1 But you, our God, are gracious and true,

Longsuffering, and in mercy ordering all things.

2 For even if we sin, we are your, knowing your dominion;

But we shall not sin, knowing that we have been accounted your:

3 For to be acquainted with you isperfect righteousness,

And to know your dominion is the root of immortality.

4 For neither were we led astray by any evil device of men’s are,

Nor yet by painters’ fruitless labor,

A form stained with varied colors;

5 The sight whereof leads fools intolust:

Theirdesire is for the breathless form of a dead image.

6 Lovers of evil things, and worthy of such hopesas these,

Are both they that do, and they that desire, and they that worship.

7 For a potter, kneading soft earth,

Laboriously mouldeth each severalvesselfor our service:

Nay, out of the same clay does he fashion

Both the vessels that minister to clean uses, and those of a contrary sort,

All in like manner;

But what shall be the use of eachvesselof either sort,

Thecraftsmanhimselfis the judge.

8 And also, laboring to an evil end, he mouldeth a vain god out of the same clay,

He who, having but a little before been made of earth,

After a short space goes his wayto the earthout of which he was taken,

When he is required to render back thesoul which was lent him.

9 Howbeit he has anxious care,

Not because his powers must fail,

Nor because his span of life is short;

But he matcheth himself against goldsmiths andsilversmiths,

And he imitateth moulders inbrass,

And esteemeth it glory that he mouldeth counterfeits.

10 His heart is ashes,

And his hope of less value than earth,

And his life of less honor than clay:

11 Because he was ignorant of him that moulded him,

And of him that inspired into himan activesoul,

And breathed into him a vital spirit.

12 Buthe accounted ourverylife to be aplaything,

And ourlifetime a gainfulfair;

For, says he, one must get gain whence one can, though it be by evil.

13 For this man beyond all others knows that he sins,

Out of earthy matter making brittle vessels and graven images.

14 But most foolishwerethey all, andof feebler soul than a babe,

The enemies of your people, who oppressed them;

15 Because they even accounted all the idols of the nationsto begods;

Which have neither the use of eyes for seeing,

Nor nostrils for drawing breath,

Nor ears to hear,

Nor fingers for handling,

And their feet are helpless for walking.

16 For a man made them,

And one whose own spirit is borrowed moulded them;

For no one has power,beinga man, to mould a god like to himself,

17 But, being mortal, he makes a dead thing by the work of lawless hands;

For he is better than the objects of his worship,

Forasmuch as he indeed had life, but they never.

18 Yes, and the creatures that are most hateful do they worship,

For, being compared as to lack of sense, these are worse than all others;

19 Neither, as seen besideothercreatures, are they beautiful, so that one should desire them,

But they have escaped both the praise of God and his blessing.

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